Sunday, September 28, 2008

RIP, pretty pink hula hoop

For the brief 36 hours that Medora had her pink hula hoop, it was a joyful addition to the family. Alas, this morning it took a 4 story plunge down an elevator shaft.

How did such a thing happen, you ask? Well, we were checking out of the condo in Breckenridge. Medora was proudly carrying her hula hoop into the elevator when she tripped. In a move that could not be repeated if you tried a thousand times, when she tripped the hula hoop arced up and slid perfectly between the elevator car and the elevator shaft. Oops!

Luckily, Medora thought this was hilarious and pantomimed the hula hoop disappearing quite a few times.

1 comment:

Marco Coelho said...

Oh my God you guys, Elizabeth and I love following the adventures of Medora. Makes us wish we were still there to meet her. Maybe we'll be offered a store in Boulder or the near vacinity :)