- Having her hair done. We can't leave the room in the morning until her ponytails are in place. Ponytails must be redone if they come loose during the day.
- Eating. Voracious and omnivorous aren't overstatements. Green vegetables, any kind of meat, noodles of any kind. You name it, she likes it.
- Stacking toys and bubbles
- Orderly things -- the playmat must be smooth at all times, crayons go back in the box, etc.
- Removing the ponytails for bedtime.
- Bedtime in general is a tearful event.
- Mealtime ending, especially if there is still food on the table
That last one is interesting. I had heard that eating all the food on your plate in most Chinese cultures is rude. Of course, orphanages would have a different focus so that does make sense.
Your daughter is just adorable. I hope the transition is going smoothly. We leave next Tuesday to go adopt our son. Can't wait!! Any tips/advice? Our son is 2.5.
Does she like animals?
Does she realize how many brother and sisters that she's about to have?
I am in love! I can't wait to meet her.
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