Due to a change in US immigration policy, now all kids over the age of 2 have to get shots before the US will issue an immigration visa. This is a soapbox topic for me, but I won't get on it right now. Despite the fact that she has a complete immunization record AND her orphanage repeated the immunizations over the last two weeks to try to spare her this fate, it doesn't count in the eyes of the US government. After a 90 minute wait in the clinic, poor Lian had to have all of her vaccinations repeated this morning (5 shots) plus a TB test. That's a lot to put a kid through, not the least of which it has got to be tough on their system.
We played at a playground after the shots, which should help reduce soreness. Then she sacked out for a 90 minute nap, after which we had ice cream as a treat.
Poor Eric is coming down with a cold, so wish him speedy healing! Tomorrow, I'm going to be very brave and go solo-parent with the girls on a sightseeing tour. Tune in tomorrow to see if I still have any hair left. :) It includes a Buddhist temple where they say a blessing on the kids, an old house, and a stop at a store billed as "Provincial arts and crafts". We'll be gone all morning, so it will give Eric time to rest up.

1 comment:
Tara and Eric - I sent a message to your e-mail that you might want to check. Don't know if you'll see this message or your e-mail first.
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