One hilarious story regarding Medora - they had served us a hot lunch: rice with beef or chicken, a bun, a salad, a runny yogurt drink, and something that we think was dried hawthorn circles. Anyhow, I'd offered to take Eric and Quinn's empty trays up with me, so she didn't mess with the remaining food in the confined space. Medora was in the aisle and I had the middle seat. So as the cart came around to collect the food boxes, I stacked four of them up on Medora's tray table (hers, mine, Eric's, ZiRong's). Just as the flight attendant reached down to pick them up, the top one slid off and the runny yogurt drink that Eric hadn't finished dumped all over Medora's lap. Then just seconds later, a box slid off the cart itself onto her head and dumped salad all over her head! At this point, I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. I mean - seriously, what are the odds of TWO food boxes falling on ONE person?!? Medora was a good sport about the whole thing, but I did promise to send her jeans out to be laundered here at the hotel to make up for dumping yogurt on her. No pictures of Yogurt and Salad covered Medora. :)
We swam in the hotel pool in the afternoon and ZiRong was really enjoying it - the pool is too deep for her to go in by herself, so we were holding her in the water. She was enjoying it so much so that she attempted to hop in by herself. And by hop in, I mean "go from sitting on the side of the pool to sliding into the pool, thereby scraping her back on the pool wall and getting chlorine in her eyes". Poor kiddo. She did go back in the hot tub for a little bit after the scare, so hopefully no long term fears.
Then realized it was 6:30 PM and everybody was starving. So we headed out onto the street and saw a pizza restaurant. I've eaten enough Chinese "pizza" to know that it really never satisfies. Their idea of sauce is an impossibly thin smear of sauce, whereas I LOVE extra sauce on my pizza. But I was super hungry and tired after a day of travel and pizza sounded sooooooooo good. Well, we achieved the impossible: we found pizza that is WORSE THAN CHUCK E CHEESE PIZZA. I honestly thought that Chuck E Cheese had set the lowest bar possible on pizza but no! Tonight - a new terrible-pizza level unlocked!
My clue-support radar should have gone off immediately when the restaurant gave us plastic gloves instead of flatware or chopsticks or plates ... just gloves. I present Exhibit A:

Clue support radar should also have alerted me to this impending pizza-doom by the amount of Chinglish on the box - Exhibit B. I am sad to say that I was not "happy euuyday" after eating that pizza.

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