Her nickname is the Food Vacuum. She is a voracious eater and packed away a ton of lunch and dinner. When the noodle dish at dinner tonight was getting toward the end and the noodles were small and scattered on the plate, she allowed us to feed her ... so sweet. When the noodle remnants got so small we couldn't pick them up any longer with chopsticks or a fork, she pulled the dish right in front of her and proceeded to harvest all noodle remnants ... a noodle piece 1/8" long was not lost on her. She's not picky at all, and channeled her inner Medora by eating a raw lemon wedge.
She is very smiley and giggles a lot. She's enamored with her older sisters and orchestrated several picture moments today where she insisted on posing with her sisters, then jabbered in Mandarin and waved her arms to indicate that Baba should take photos. Clearly NOT shy or reticent!
Developmentally, she seems totally on track. She speaks a TON of Mandarin. She jabbers away with anyone else who she can get to stop and talk with her - waiters in restaurants, workers in the hotel, etc. I can understand some of it and respond to her. I'm so thankful for the little bit of Mandarin I do know ... she clearly expects to communicate with us and gets frustrated when we don't understand what she is asking. The girls have been teaching her to count to ten in English already, and she repeats a lot of our English phrases already.
We had sent her a care package with a USB thumb drive, and asked the orphanage to fill it with any pictures they had of her. They not only complied with that request, but sent a lovely photo album filled with pictures of her. She found the USB drive at Gotcha Day and immediately claimed it as hers. She has not let it out of her sight! I'm not sure why the USB drive is so precious. I did get it away from her for about 60 seconds to copy the photos onto my computer. You'll see it in her hand in any picture (white with yellow accents), but I especially love the picture of her sleeping with the USB drive clutched in her hand.
She had been sleeping in a crib at the orphanage, so we asked the hotel to give us a crib in our room. Harmony was having NONE of it. If we pointed to it, she'd say "boo shi" and then touch one of the regular beds. So we ended up pulling the bedding out of the crib and putting it on the floor. That was fine with her. She went to bed so sweetly, combing her doll's hair as she drifted off to sleep.

Congratulations! So exciting!
Thanks, Tara, Tara for the details of Day One. I can hardly wait to meet Harmony!
Tara, SOOO excited for you and thrilled she is adjusting to HER family so seamlessly. Love the pictures. She's adorable.
Tara, thanks for the phone call tonight from China. It was so cute to hear Harmony's voice - so sweet - saying Hello, Grandpa in Mandarin. It brought tears to my eyes. I so wish Mom / Grandma / Randi was here to see and know her. Thanks for the great blog - super pictures. Love you all, Dad/Grandpa
So so happy for you!
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