Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Gotcha Day Video

Here's another gotcha day video. How do you get an uncomfortable 4yo to warm up to you? Allow her to use you as a jungle gym.

Yesterday we went to a bird zoo housed in what was originally a "full" zoo. It was pretty nice, by Chinese standards, but, it did not go so well. Lian was FREAKED by the large walk-in bird area, and would only watch from the other side of the fence while clutching Mom's leg. There were some rather assertive white birds that stood about 14" tall and could hover in your face, hoping for a small fish. Medora braved it with me. There was also an Emu that stood 5' tall. I was a little put off by this, but, we fed him/her some salad and it was all good.

After that we found some pretty obnoxious kid's rides that girls thought were awesome. Ah, shrill Chinese children's music emenating from tinny-sounding speakers.....feast your ears.

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