Saturday, December 19, 2009

Flight to Guangzhou

Lian's first plane ride went well! We had 2.5 hours to wait in the airport, as our plane was late in arriving, but the girls handled it well. The flight itself was uneventful, except for when Lian spilled her orange juice and created a lake in her seat. I sopped up what I could and then used the laminated airline safety cards to create a dry spot for her to sit on for the remainder of the flight. I pity the person who had seat 17F on the next journey for the plane...

Random factoid: airplane in Mandarin sounds like "Fiji"

Here's a couple of cute pictures.

The girls showing off their fingernails.

Chilling at the Nanjing airport with ice cream cones. Lian is not flashing a gang sign, she was making the peace sign just as we snapped the shot. Apparently, this seems to be popular among the Chinese when taking pictures, for whatever reason.

Here's the girls in the Guangzhou airport, riding in style.

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